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February 20, 2025    Memorial Tree Dedication and State of the Parkways Luncheon and Meeting
11:15 am    Dedication
12:00 noon Lunch
12:15 pm    State of the Parkways Meeting Begins
Registration Required

March 20,2025          Board Meeting
12:00 noon

April 2025                 Keep Louisiana Beautiful Month

May 8, 2025             Board Meeting
12:00 noon

Fall  2025                  Carey Hammett Tree School


Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful provides a variety of  educational opportunities throughout the year through collaboration with experts in the horticulture field.

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A free, comprehensive, accredited one day seminar on all aspects of urban arboriculture. The program is held each year at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center. To become a sponsor, please email friendsofjeffersonthebeautiful@gmail.comThe next Tree School will be held in the Fall of 2025.  

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Informative meetings with speakers on topics of civic and horticultural interest, produced several times during the year.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 20th at Lafreniere Park Foundation Center.


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A tree dedication ceremony is held during the year for those who have had a tree planted in honor or memory of a loved one.  Trees are planted in Lafreniere Park and a memorial plaque is dispalyed in the foundation center at Lafreniere with the name of the person or family the tree is dedicated in memory or honor of.  The Tree Dedication will be held on Thursday, February 20th at 11:15 am at Lafreniere Park Foundation Center.

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